Keputusan Pertandingan Lagu Eurovision 1956

No. undianNegaraBahasaPenyanyiTajuk laguDalam Bahasa InggerisKedudukanMata
01 BelandaBelandaJetty Paerl"De vogels van Holland"The Birds of Holland--
02 SwitzerlandJermanLys Assia"Das alte Karussell"The Old Carousel--
03 BelgiumPrancisFud Leclerc"Messieurs les noyés de la Seine"The Drowned Gentlemen of the Seine--
04 JermanJermanWalter Andreas Schwarz"Im Wartesaal zum großen Glück"In The Good Luck Waiting Room 101--
05 PerancisPrancisMathé Altéry"Le temps perdu"Lost Time--
06 LuxembourgPerancisMichèle Arnaud"Ne crois pas"Do Not Believe--
07 ItaliItaliFranca Raimondi"Aprite le finestre"Open the Windows--
08 BelandaBelandaCorry Brokken"Voorgoed voorbij"Over Forever--
09 SwitzerlandPrancisLys Assia"Refrain"Chorus1102[2]
10 BelgiumPerancisMony Marc"Le plus beau jour de ma vie"The Most Beautiful Day of my Life--
11 JermanJermanFreddy Quinn"So geht das jede Nacht"That's How It Is Every Night--
12 PerancisPerancisDany Dauberson"Il est là"He Is Here--
13 LuxembourgPerancisMichèle Arnaud"Les amants de minuit"The Lovers of Midnight--
14 ItaliItaliTonina Torrielli"Amami se vuoi"Love Me If You Want--